Bloggers Taking Notice
Here's a rare sidestep from my overused "Relocating & Replacing" (R&R) posts. But I've been pretty surprised to see the number of other hockey blog writers who have actually read my blog. It's kind of shocking, really, mostly because I haven't been writing that long. Not only that, but they've taken the time to mention Delay of Game in their own blogs. Well as impressed as they are by my blog, I'm fascinated by theirs just the same.
- Boltsmag This is one of my favorite hockey blogs mainly because writer John Fontana follows the Lightning even more closely than I do. I found it shortly after I started Delay of Game last month. The reason I think anyone else even found my blog was because I once posted a comment on his.
- the habs blog Obviously, this is a Montreal Canadiens blog Ryan Henderson, like me, writes on the events of the league as well as the news of his team.
- In The Crease Another blog worth mentioning is run by Buffalo Sabres fan Lindsey Ungar who was recently kind enough to point out my series of satellite pictures over NHL arenas. Apparently some of you think they are pretty cool.
- The people at were kind enough to add me to their listings. Delay of Game is listed in the Tampa Bay Lightning section.
Not only that but I missed hockey so much last year that I really just want to immerse myself in it. And I lack a lot of friends with whom to discuss the sport and my team. Here, I can write to whoever, whenever. Floridian hockey fans are tough to come by.
Plus, in the few weeks I've been writing Delay of Game, I've already met a few new people with whom I can talk hockey. People who like the Lightning and know more than me. I'm happy to surround myself with smart people. They can only make me smarter.
Anyhow, I just felt like I should make mention of these cool blogs I've been introduced to since starting my own. Should any others come across my hockey radar, I'll be sure to make mention of them.
I think two posts is enough for today. Until next time.

Detroit's Hockey Mecca (Space's Perspective) This is for In The Crease's Lindsey Ungar who was the first to make a request for an NHL arena satellite photo (borrowed from Google Maps). Lindsey wanted to see The Joe from a bird's eye view. Enjoy.
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